Friday, February 11, 2011


has a habit of interrupting my plans sometimes.   I did not get my bag done this week.   There are some changes going on in my household that have taken my time and attention.  I should get back in the swing of crafting before next Friday so I can have the bag for you then.  Never fear, I've got posts lined up for next week so you still will see the chocolate cheesecake and a quick and easy craft on Wednesday. 

If you are making your bags ahead of me just remember to carefully plan the order you sew them.   You usually need to sew accents and details before you sew the side seams.  It's just easier to handle a rectangle instead of a tube.  I had to sew my side seams first before I stuck my strap accents on the side and it was a pain in the neck.  

If you are curious about which buckle I chose, I'm going with the cool oval.  Everyone I asked said it was the obvious choice.  The girl is just going to have to suck it up and get her own belt.   Since she's the source of the current life stress that's thrown off my crafting groove and used up my time, I don't feel a bit guilty saying that. 

Have a good weekend.  I've got a date tonight with my sweetheart so things are looking up.

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