Yeah. I don't do cute, overly sentimental sayings. It's not my style and it's also not my style to have my wall say things everyone else's wall says.
What I do enjoy doing is making sure our home reflects us as a family. We are a geek family. We love Douglas Adams and Tolkien. We spend way too much time playing Minecraft and Zelda and lots of other video games. We do not choose between Star Trek and Star Wars. We are a dual Star loving family. Agents of SHIELD is appointment television here for everyone. And if we have a couple of hours of time on a Sunday, we may just be playing board games.
So I made a sign that is all us. I had the the kids help me come up with the rules so it reflected everybody. I love it, even though it was the biggest pain to make. The vinyl didn't cut cleanly. The board warped. The stupid clear contact paper stuck too well to the vinyl when I tried to transfer. It was a mess. Honestly, I should toss it and start over, but after spending hours on a project that should have taken me 30 minutes tops, it's a victory just to have it done. So enjoy, wonky letters and badly made font and all.
Then make your own Family Rules. What does your family love? Sports? TV? Movies? Books? Board Games? Make your rules about you. Have fun, and I hope your vinyl cuts properly and your transfer sheets work right. Also, the font Episode I is badly kerned. Skip it even if your family loves Star Wars.